We have finally finished all of Racheal's activities for a little while!!! Yah!!!! Last week was a crazy week. Full of many activities & not much mommy time with the triplets. Rylie is still very cranky & cries when I leave the room! Wednesday night Racheal had her Fait Weavers party at the park. She had so much fun! Thursday was the last day of Rainbow Dreams school & dance rehearsal in Stephenville. Thanks to Tracey for taking the girls. Friday we had MOPS in Brownwood. It was great! We went to one of the mentor moms houses. Her house was amazing!!! We came home for a few minutes & then headed to Stephenville for dance dress rehearsal. We got there at 4 & didn't leave until 7:30. We were both so tired. Saturday morning Racheal had a birthday party to go to, then home to get ready for the recital. Also when we got home, Barb, Jana & Natalie were there.
The recital was great! Also thanks to the Shultze girls for watching the triplets for us. Then Sunday was the Rainbow dreams program!!

Racheal is the one in the middle. This was her tap. She was really shaking it!!

Racheal at the end blowing me a kiss!

The Comanche girls! Racheal, Reagan, Kenzey, Makenna

Racheal & mommy. Racheal got a trophy for excellence in dance & perfect attendance.

Ryan, Reese, Rylie on May 15. (Their adjusted 1 year birthday.)

Rainbow Dreams Program!

Racheal & her BFF Reagan

Racheal & Mackenna swimming. Notice Racheal had on a lifejacket, tube, & floaties. She wanted to make sure she didn't go under. She also went down the slide for the first time!!!