Happy Birthday to my 3 little miracles!! I cannot believe it has already been 2 years. I know it did not go this fast with Racheal!! Today always takes me back to this day 2 years ago when I was in the hopital, leaking fluid & blood...not knowing what was going to happen. I remember probably around 3 or 4 they came in & whisked me down to l&d so they could watch me more closely since I was loosing large amounts of blood. Then Dr. Tabor came in & said we need to do a c-section now. After that it was pretty much a blur. I remeber we were waiting on blood for me from the blood bank & Randall was running around drying to get cameras & the the cord blood paperwork & trying to call everyone. I got blood & was rushed into the O.R. Then at 6:32 pm Rylie was born, 6:34 Reese was born & 6:35 Ryan was born. I remember hearing Rylie cry & it was a huge relief. I remember waiting to hear Reese & I never did. I was so scared & wanted to jump off that table to check on her. Randall could see what they were doing & told me they were intubating her. I don't remember hearing Ryan either, but Randall told me he was ok. After that everything is really a blur. I didn't get to see them in the O.R.. I turned my head & watched at they rolled them out of the room into the NICU. After they were finished with my surgery, I went to recovery. I had tons of family & friends come in to see me, but I was still pretty much out of it. Then they closed the NICU & wheeled my bed into there so I could see the babies. I don't really remember what they looked like. They were hard to see from the bed & I was still doped up. Below are pictures from when they were born thru today. Also I uploaded pictures to the previous post so make sure you check those out too.

Rylie Mark 2/28/08

Reese Mackenzie 2/28/08

Ryan Matthew 2/28/08

Rylie, Reese & Ryan 1st group picture April 6, 2008

Ryan, Reese, Racheal & Rylie 1st Birthday

Rylie Reese & Ryan opening their presents. 2/28/10

Rylie, Ryan & Reese eating suckers Racheal gave them. Below is a purse Racheal got Reese.

Kaylie with all her babies. Racheal, Reese, Rylie, Ryan

Playing in their new playhouse. We had several family members that went in with us to get them the playhouse. They have already had a blast in it.
