On Wednesday I took her to Waco & she went back to Crockett for a few days. Then we all went on Friday for Natalie's 3rd birthday party. The kids had a blast swimming!
I had to take Ryan to the doctor a couple of weeks ago. He had been coughing & then started having a runny nose. I started him on antibiotics, but it wasn't helping at all. So she put him on breathing treatments & it helped him. Racheal & Rylie have been sick too, but theirs wasn't as bad as Ryan's. Now Reese & Mommy seem to have something. Hopefully we can get everyone well soon.
Racheal lost another tooth last 2 weeks ago. Tooth #6!!! She also finished up summer school at Rainbow Dreams! Mrs. Shelley had a swim party for them on Friday & Racheal had a blast! She said it was the best party ever!!!
We finally got our new bed & nightstand! It is beautiful & I love it! Our bedroom & bath are now officially finished. Next project is to put down baseboard in the laundry room so it will be finished!
Last week was my birthday & Racheal decorating up a storm! She thinks everyone has to have a big party on their birthday! The day started out not so great. We tried to make a birthday cake in Racheal's Easy Bake oven & could not get the cake done. Luckily I had a cake mix so we made a chocolate cake. Then I realized our dishwasher was leaking into the floor. Then the plumber called to say he was coming to put in my new kitchen sink & faucet. I was taking everything out from under the sink & found a leak under there. Sink & leak was fixed! Chocolate cake was yummy!! Thankfully the next day the dishwasher finally got fixed. Hand washing with 6 people in the house is for the birds!!! Anyway I ended up having a great day with my family. Randall & the kids gave me a new night gown & I got money for a pedicure from Kim!
Meemaw came last week & spent a couple of days with us. She wanted to see Racheal before she started back to school. The kids all had a blast & hopefully didn't wear her out to much.
Saturday we took the kids to a friends house to swim. It was their first time in a big pool. They were scared at first but they ended up loving it. They all went down the slide with Kim. By the end Rylie wanted to swim with no floaties & by himself. He jumped in probably 20 times. As soon as he jumped, he would say "set go again". It was too cute.
Tomorrow Kim & I are starting potty training. Pray for us!!! We will be parked in the laundry room all day! I finally got brave enough to go for it! Plus I want to do it before Kim starts back to school & I am running out of time! So ready or not here we come! (I have more pictures on my phone to put on here. When I figure out how to get them on here I will add them!)
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