Several people have asked me to EMAIL pictures to them. I have tried this, but I keep getting the EMAIL message returned with an error message stating that the file is too large for the mailbox. It is possible to download the images from the blog; all you have to do is place your mouse pointer over the image that you want to download; then, right click the mouse; then, choose "Save Link As..."; a window will pop up asking you what you want to call the file, and where you want to save it; then you point to the directory where you want to save the file; you can accept the default file name (which is the name that I gave the file on my computer), or you can change the name to suit yourself; then, click save, and the picture should download to your computer. This information is for Windows; I do not know what the instructions would be for anyone using a Mac.
The picture below is of Racheal and Randall in scrubs. Racheal got scrubs and a lab jacket from the babies, after they were born. She thought that it was a blast to be dressed the same as Daddy. She wore her scrubs and lab jacket to the hospital today, and she was the center of attention (something that she enjoyed immensely).
We have more good news today. Rylie continues to do well off of the CPAP. He is maintaining his blood oxygenation above 95% while breathing room-air. He has had his feedings increased again, and is tolerating feeds well. He had lost weight down to 2 pounds 13 ounces; but, today, he had gained back a little weight; he is now at 2 pounds 15 ounces. He had his repeat echocardiogram today, and it no longer showed a PDA; apparently, he responded well to the Indocin therapy.
All of the babies had an ultrasound of their brains today. The verbal report from the radiologist, is that neither Ryan nor Rylie had any evidence of bleeding into their brains. The report for Reese is not yet available.
The next two pictures are of Rylie. He still has a area on his head where an IV was; that should heal up in a few more days.
The next two pictures are of Ryan. He was taken off of his CPAP early this morning, and has been breathing room-air most of the day. When I was with him, he had two episodes where he dropped his blood oxygen saturation, and heart rate; both of those times corresponded to when I placed my hand on his back. I started touching him on his head, arms, and legs, and he did not have anymore episodes of desaturation or low heart rate. Because Ryan and Rylie are doing so well off of the CPAP, they have been moved to a different room.
The final two pictures are of Reese. As you can see, she is still on her CPAP. She maintains 100% blood oxygenation as long as she is on CPAP, but has trouble maintaining blood oxygenation without the CPAP. She had an ultrasound of her head, as well as a repeat echocardiogram, but the results of those tests were not available at the time of this posting. While I was visiting with Reese today, I put my hand on her back and had my thumb pointing toward her face; then she grabbed my thumb with both of her hands; and, she has a strong grip.
We plan to return to Forth Worth this Friday (March 14th), and we are hopeful that we will be able to stay at the Ronald McDonald House again.
When I was offering thanks to people yesterday, I was unable to mention everyone that has been helping us. Please know that we appreciate all of the help. I do need to mention my Mom, and give her an extra big "Thank you!" She kept Racheal so many times, even when she did not feel well herself. She and Daddy have been a big help.
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